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Whew! I guess I didn't scare you off.

I provide professional care for professional women who want more control and self-compassion.

You've tried typical self-care and self-help books and nothing has worked for you.  You hate feeling out of control and powerless over yourself of all things.  


Despite all the accomplishments you've achieved at work you are just as anxious, insecure, and full of self-doubt as ever.  As a matter of fact recently your inner critic seems to be even louder and harder to ignore. 


Let's make fulfillment and inner peace a reality for you. 


About Me.

Hi, Beth Johnson (LPC) here! 


I help professionals and women to feel more in control of themselves and stop doubting themselves in their relationships and careers. 


I have a halfway decent sense of humor (I’d have to with this hairdo, right!?) and always have two or more caffeinated or carbonated drinks at the ready.  I love squishy faced animals so be warned my English Bulldog, Sigmund Freud, might make an uninvited appearance in session.  Just in case you were wondering, no, he doesn’t hike with me... yet but this summer he is learning how to ride on my SUP board.   


As a professional achievement-driven person, you are no stranger to high stress both at work and at home.  On the outside you look like you have it together but you are constantly being undermined by your own inner critic.  You know that perfectionist inside got you where you are today but it also steals any possibility of enjoying what you have. 


At the end of the day you don’t deserve to live a partial or unfulfilling life undermined & sabotaged by the things that happened in the past.   We will journey together from scratching your head (or banging it on the desk) to confidence and pride.  You will see yourself no longer reacting but carefully responding and choosing how to move forward.  

Education and Training


Master of Counseling


Motivational Interviewing




Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality


Eye Movement Desensitizati0n and Reprocessing


Licensed Professional Counselor

CCA's Supervisor Training


Medicine and professional challenges were staples at my family's dinner table.  It wasn't until 2017, however, when I was training in neurofeedback, that I realized I could marry my passion for mental health and the familiar physiological being together seamlessly.  Thus, "integrative" mental health was born into my practice.


​I work with professional and achievement-oriented women to harness and control their own minds and behaviors.


You may are already be an expert in your field but find yourself still stuck in reaching your full potential in other areas of your life.  Let's combine our expertise to tailor the support you have been looking for.  




Ever since, I have helped career and relationship driven women to understand their "self-sabotage" and find meaningful ways make peace with themselves. 


I have been in practice since 2017 and Epiphany was established in 2019.


Personal Fun Facts.

headshot of a female in her 30s
So you want to get to know the grinch...


They do exist…. I’m a Colorado Native!

I know I just said I am a native but… I also lived abroad for nearly a decade so I’m also kind of odd.


You might find me on the trail, at the reservoir, or aimlessly wondering around Home Goods. 

It is absolutely my intent to name future fur family members after other founders of psychology.  

At the risk of you you saying "Oh, she is one of those people" … my top four favorite TV series are The Office, Parks and Rec, Schitt’s Creek and The Closer.   

I feel most alive at the top of a mountain.

Summer. Summer. Summer.  Then Spring and Fall.  Winter… Never.  

Puzzles of all kinds anytime. 

It's time to realize

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